Day 30 – Oct 5, 2018

I’ve now been on the water for a month. There have been many challenges and many smiles. It’s been enlightening and fun to see the Rivers up close

Today has been the slowest due to several locks being in close proximity to each other, and the presence of more barge tows.

The tows move slowly and have lock passage priority. We’re traveling with four other pleasure craft and have been stuck behind a tow all day. Even if we pass the tow, the Lock Master will hold us until after the tow locks through. Invariably there’s been a northbound tow waiting below the Lock. These are big vessels and it takes time to get them through.

We’ve been on the water 8 hours and have gone through two locks and traveled 19 miles ☹️

Going through the Fulton lock with another pleasure craft.

Traveling down the Tombigbee following the pleasure craft group. Here, the river looks more like I’m used to back home

Stump field makes river travel a little trickier for the locals.

Cypress trees starting to be more prevalent.

Inside the Lock. Look closely and you’ll see the Great Blue Heron feeding as the Lock waters recede.

A huge pile of wood chips at a Weyerhauser facility.

Going through a wilder area full of bays, inlets, islands and aquatic birds.

The final mile into the Aberdeen Marina, Aberdeen MS was interesting. I think most of the people we were with today continued on looking for deeper water.

A slow day, but some great sights.

33 Miles today – 1232 total miles